
Micronutrient therapy

Improve stool consistency
In industrialized nations, up to a quarter of the population is affected by chronic constipation. Lack of exercise, low fluid and fiber intakes far below the recommended reference values are the main causes of habitual constipation. An increase in  dietetic fiber intake is considered an effective therapy. The increased stool volume and the resulting mechanical stretching, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, shorten the transit time of the stool and facilitate defecation.
Normalize intestinal flora
Disturbed intestinal flora can lead to constipation due to chronic inflammatory processes. By the therapeutic supply of probiotic microorganisms an incorrect colonization of the intestinal mucosa and the intestinal activity can be improved.

Recommended intake

Micronutrient Recommended daily intake 
 Psyllium  3 - 4 g (take with plenty of liquid)
 Probiotics  800 - 1000 mg (10 billion/td>

Diagnostic tests

Available laboratory tests  (Laboratory GANZIMMUN)  Detailed information
H2 breath test Reliable and non-invasive method for determining fructose, lactose and sorbitol intolerances -
Digestion residues in stool Quantitative detection of fat, starch, nitrogen, water and sugar in stool. -