herpes simplex

Micronutrient therapy

inhibit virus growth
L-lysine is used therapeutically to prevent and treat herpes simplex infections. An interaction with the absorption of the amino acid L-arginine is assumed to be the cause for the effect of L-lysine in this indication framework.

L-arginine is required by the herpes simplex virus for replication, so arginine-rich foods such as chocolate and nuts should be avoided in herpes infections. Since arginine and lysine interfere with each other during absorption, high L-lysing deprives the virus of the required arginine. Consistent L-lysine prophylaxis can extend the overall time span between the recurrence of herpes simplex labialis.
Promote healing of skin lesions
Zinc is suitable for oral or topical application to support wound healing processes. Zinc is an important cofactor for the activity of matrix metalloproteinases, which enable the formation of new tissue and the closure of wounds. Since it also has an effect on the cellular immune defence, Zinc is involved in combating the infection process in the first phase of an inflammation. It has been proven that Zinc is increasingly required in wound healing processes and that an undersupply leads to delayed or disturbed wound healing.
reduce ignition
The acute inflammatory process can be positively influenced by high doses of antioxidative nutrients such as vitamin C, selenium and zinc .
support immune system and avoid recurrences
Beta Glucan can mobilize the body's immune system. This should be done by stimulating the leukocytes without simultaneously stimulating phagocytosis activity. In addition to a general activation of immunological activity, the formation of antibodies and the activation of further cells of the immune system, an influence on the TH1 and TH2 helper cells is also observed.

Recommended intake

Micronutrient Recommended daily dose
L-Lysine 1500 - 3000 mg
Zinc 50 - 100 mg (kurzfristig hohe Dosage)
Zinccreme topische Anwendung (auf die veränderten Hautstellen auftragen)
Vitamin C 5 - 10 g
Selenium 100 - 200 µg
Beta-Glucane 500 - 1000 mg